Monday, August 24, 2009

Opportunities and choices

The urban American landscape has reached a critical state wherein it may either settle again into equilibrium or it may destroy itself. The opportunity for the restoration of ecological balance is reliant upon the choices made with regard to urban development. The anthropogenic activities that include creation of vast impermeable surfaces, as well as regular applications of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, have created a condition wherein the decline of soil health is rampant. At risk is the health and wellbeing of all life. The journey of humanity in the urban landscape can become one of healing and this can be achieved through education. If we begin to understand the essence of life in the soil – its microbiology, the soil food web, nutrient cycling and the affects of urban development – our recognition of the interconnection we share can be articulated. From this we can refine the decisions that affect our soils, choosing sustainable options. Through presentation of the general structure of soils and the microbial life therein, this opportunity for integrated learning includes discussion of quality composting methods as well as ecological landscape design and maintenance methodologies.

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