Monday, September 20, 2010

Our garden, we fondly call Revery, did well with little water.

According to our EBMUD statement covering 09 July through 08 September, as compared to last year during this time, typically our peak Summer usage period:

- We used 26 vs. 42 water units, 39% less than 2009,
- We consumed an average of 318 vs. 551 gallons of water/day, 43% less than 2009, and
- We spent $98.14 vs. $144.18 on water for the period, a savings of 32%.

Ethos’ philosophy-in-action.

Water deeply and infrequently.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

A poem written by my youngest son, age 7. With grace to his 1st grade teacher, Cheri Facer.

Inside of Me.

Inside of me is a cold, clear river flowing in the mountains.
Inside of me is an oak tree quiet in the forest.
I am a soccer ball flying intothe net for a goal.
I am a pencil drawing super heroes.
Inside of me is a red ruby in a hidden treasure chest.
Inside of me is a very nice person.
Inside of me is a golden spirit.
I am a storm of happiness.
I am a bowl full of love.

May 2010